Frequenty Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions about Cabales Serrada Escrima

CABALES SERRADA ESCRIMA FAQ    (Frequently Asked Questions)

This page is for the frequently asked questions regarding Cabales Serrada Escrima. If you have any further questions you think should be added, please leave a request. Write "SERRADA REQUEST" as the subject..

1. Isn‘t Serrada primarily just a stick fighting art developed in the Philippines?

2. What if I get attacked, but don‘t have a stick in my hand?

3. Who can learn Serrada?"

4. What kind of uniform is worn during Serrada training? "

5. How is Serrada different from Karate, Judo, or Tae Kwon Do or Kung Fu?

6. What does Serrada mean?

7. How is Serrada different to Kali?

8. What is ch'i (qi)?

9. Why is Angel Cabales remembered as “The Father of Escrima in America?”

10. Where did you get all this information?

11. How do I know if a Serrada School is legitimate?

12. What are some good books on Serrada?

13. I have heard of Defanging the snake. Can you expound upon this please?

14.I don't want my children committing a felony with a weapon, or to hurt other children. Why would
      I want to enroll my children into Serrada?

15. How long would it take me to get a black belt (or it's equivalent)?

16. How many levels of Black Sash to Master Level?

17. Where did Grandmster Angel Cabales learn Escrima?

18. I want to study from the Grandmaster. Can you give me more information?

19. Can Serrada benefit my health?

20. Is Serrada compatable with my particular faith?.





1. Isn’t Serrada primarily just a stick fighting art developed in Philippines?

Training is started using a stick (often rattan), however as one prgresses more empty hand training is added. Serrada, is the most complete martial art that I know of. It has kicking, punching, grappling and weapons including many bladed weapons. Click here for more information. Inside Kung Fu 1997 Dec


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2. What if I get attacked but, don't have a stick in my hand?

Training in Serrada doesn't preclude the practitioners to only being able to defend themselves with sticks. The hand techniques of Serrada, that are learned after the Basic Level are superior to most other martial arts I have seen. The bulk of the empty hand training is learned during the Advanced Level, however, the hands will already have the reflexes developed by the sticks, so that a beginner student knows more than they know they know...and will effectively defend his or herself, simply because the same techniques learned with the sticks translates to grappling or punching skills and also to bladed weapons and more. Anything in ones environment is potentially ammunition to fight with. The sensitivity and dexterity of the hands will be greatly improved by training in Serrada."


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3. Who can learn Serrada?

Anyone can learn Serrada. People that have had difficulty doing high kicks etc. in other martial arts are able to learn Serrada. Women and children can use Serrada empty hand techniques for self-defense.


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4.What kind of attire is worn during Serrada training?

The attire of the Serrada practitioners varies. Sometimes for the children's class a gi is worn like in Judo. Usually comfortable street clothes are worn.


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5. How is Serrada different from Karate, Judo, or Tae Kwon Do or Kung Fu?

Escrima uses fencing as it's basis. Serrada is known for Espada Y Daga or Sword and Dagger. Serrada also has grappling like Wrestling, Judo and Jujtsu. It has kicking but not the high and jumping kicks like Taekwondo. Serrada does nerve strikes and killing hand techniques very similar to some Kung Fu, Silat, and even some Karate techniques, but the application can be quite fluid when performed by a Serrada practitioner.


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6. What does the name Serrada mean?

Serrada means close or to close in. The term Serrada, was used by Grandmaster Angel Cabales to differentiate his style of Escrima from the other Filipino Martial Art styles at that time. That was in 1968, about two years after Grandmaster Angel Cabales began teaching students in America. Before that it was always called Escrima. Nick Edor and Dentoy Revilar showed up and Nick Edor commented that Angel‘s style was close compared to the other styles.


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7. How is Serrada different from Kali?

Kali is from the original styles of the Philippine Islands, and Kali is a base word in the Mother Art Tijakalili, and means blade. Serrada, contains Espada y Daga which was brought to the Philippines primarily by the Spanish. Espada Y Daga is a Spanish term that means sword and dagger. Espada Y Daga was developed on the Iberian Peninsula prior to contact with the Philippine Islands. The Italians, Portuguse and Spanish practiced Espada Y Daga in Europe. The Filipino versions are uniquely different from the European versions.


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8. What is ch'i?

This is a question beginners often ask me. Chi is cultivated by exercises designed specifically for developing Chi. These exercises are not taught during a Serrada class, because the time is spent on fighting techniques.

Ch'i is a basic concept in most Asian arts, martial and otherwise. It is also known as prana (India) and ki (Japan), words which generally translate into "breath." At the most simple level, ch'i is described as the life force, or "electricity" of living things. It is analogous to the energy that makes something alive, rather than inanimate, and death is described as a body devoid of ch'i. It's cultivation is taken almost on faith, via such arts as Dragon kung fu, Ch'i Kung, and T'ai Chi Ch'uan. Thus, though difficult to define, measure, or explain, ch'i lies at the root of martial and meditative arts practices.


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9. Why is Angel Cabales remembered as "The Father of Escrima in America?"

In 1966, the Great Grandmaster Angel Cabales opened the very first Filipino Martial Arts School to the public. Angel developed a curriculum and ranking order for instructing his students publicly. His family learned differently. His sons Vincent and John, began training about four years before Grandmaster Angel Cabales started teaching publicly. There were several other Escrima Masters that moved to Stockton, California, at that time but most refused to teach publicly. Some refused to teach their family members and took their arts to the grave. The general consensus was that Angel was the best fighter any of these Escrimadors had ever seen!


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10. Where did you get all this information?

Grandmaster Vincent Angel Cabales Sr., and indirectly Guru/ Guro Danny Inosanto, and others passed a lot of knowledge to me and others I have spoken with. Also, Master John Cabales has confirmed everything his brother Vincent has told me. About five years of gleaning info from obscure books etc. Also, Dentoy Revilar, can confirm the details of the term Serrada.


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11. I have not been able to find a Serrada school near where I live, can you refer me to a Legitamate Serrada School?

This is a popular question. Quality control is up to the Grandmaster. Advanced Level is Instructor Level, and without this degree or higher completed (from the Grandmaster) they don’t qualify to instruct Serrada. If an instructor wants me to refer students to them then he must posses propper training and be endorced by the Grandmaster.


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12. What are some good books on Serrada?

Contact the Grandmaster


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13. I have heard of Defanging the snake. Can you expound upon this concept please?

Certainly. In fencing your primary target is the attacking sword hand. Sever the weapon hand and the fight gets much easier.

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14. I don't want my children committing a felony with a weapon, or to hurt other children. Why would I want to enroll my children into Serrada?

Not learning self defense is in all reality self-victimization, because we are all vulnerable to attacks. Without the reflexes and awareness (that Serrada teaches) to defend yourself you are at the mercy of an assailant. I would prefer to make Serrada available only to peaceful individuals. It is unfortunate many people have to experience violent deeds at the mercy of some emotional or psychotic assailant before learning self defense. One woman after being raped and left for dead learned Serrada and later used it to take the knife away from her attacker.


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15. How long would it take me to get a black belt (or its equivalent)?

It usually takes about three years or longer to reach the Advanced Level. It typically takes at least six weeks of continuous study without missing or being late for class to move from angle one to angle two. Each level corresponds with an angle. Then after level 12 there are four more levels to go before the level of Black Sash. During each of those four levels more time is spent on three step drills, lock and block drills and basic sparring and after they are well learned then the student is eligible for his or her first black sash. This should take at least 26 months or even longer.


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16. How many levels of Black Sash to Master Level?

Four. The first is for Instructor level for teaching in class. The second is for hand to hand fighting. The third is for Weapons and knives. The Fourth is for Empty hand against weapons.
After Advanced Training Master training is the next level. Master Level Takes about five years to learn, after completing the Basic Level. The student must complete the Advanced Degree and have counters to Advanced and Basic Techniques, then he learns counters to counters.


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17. Where did Grandmaster Angel Cabales learn Escrima?

Grandmaster Angel Cabales, learned Escrima in Cebu from a man named Felicisimo Dizon, and Dizon studied from an unknown hermit that lived in a cave in Cebu.


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18. I want to study from the Grandmaster. Can you give me more information?

Call GM Vincent Angel Cabales Sr. at (209) 598-2384.



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19. Can Serrada benefit my health?

I have benefited by Serrada, after a sever neck and back injury. Escrimadors tend to live a more active life so live a little longer than average.


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20. Is Serrada compatible with my particular faith?

That is a decision you should make for yourself. I had conflicts myself, because the ten commandments say "Thou Shalt Not Kill" and many of the techniques of Serrada could easily kill. However, if I have to kill in self defense it is easier for me to say I am sorry than to return from the dead. I believe the original intended meaning is actually 'thou shalt not murder', rather than thou shalt not kill. What the Bible says about Self Defense.

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cabales Serrada Escrima